13-02-2025 | 01:06:10

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:: Our clients testimonies ::
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Tri Gunarto
Really appreciate Daxa
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FREE Trial 2 days For VPS Indonesia And 1 days For European/Singapore/USA VPS
If you want to try our vps trial, please send your email request to freetrial@daxa.net.
We just receive the registration of VPS Free Trial only from Monday to Friday.
 Note :
If you use want try the free trial, your package at first would be processed with a VPS package 1 (except VPS Intro) but if you wants to continou the account, then your VPS will be change to the VPS package that you order previously.
Suppose you order VPS packages 7 and use the service free trial free trial then we will process the packet if the VPS VPS 1 and VPS continues we will upgrade a VPS package 7.

(Caution: Daxa.net stop the free trial if the vps used for things which do not allowed, such as spam, portscanning, etc., and our decision can not be contested).

If you need more than shared hosting, but felt no need to move to a Dedicated Server, we provide them the media that is called VPS.

VPS is a server that is divided into a number of VM (Virtual Machines), where in each VM is a form of "virtual servers" that can be installed its own operating system. VPS feels like a Dedicated Server.

If we compared the vps with shared hosting you get that a vps more definite resources, both CPU, Memory, and spacenya. So do not be disturbed if there are problems on share hosting (who in a server). And also you get a root access so that it is more flexible to customize according your needs.

If we compared VPS with Dedicated Server, we found that VPS Servers are more flexible. You just pay the resource you need, later if the needs arise, it could be upgraded step by step.

Our VPS servers using different types with dualcore and quadcore processor with the speed of 2.6 GHz and 3 GHz. For each of our VPS Accounts set up two virtual HDD, the first 20 GB as the system and the rest according to the data packet captured..

And the example below:

System 20 GB 10 GB
Data 0 GB 55 GB
And so on for other packages

Operating System can be installed on the VM:
- Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS
- Centos 5.4 ( Free Version RedHat Enterprise Linux)
- OpenSuse 11
- FreeBSD 7.1
- Debian 5
- Windows 2000 (We are not preparing license, you should already have a license )
- Windows 2003 Web Edition *)

Please be attention!
we are just only preparing VPS Operating System only. We do not the applications such as WebServer, MailServer, Databases, etc.. So you as a System Administrator who must configure your server by your self. If you do not know the technical matters, we recommend you to take a Web Hosting package options, and choose the suit one.

VPS Packages :

RAM 128 M 256 M 384 M 512 M
Space  10 GB  30 GB  60 GB  100 GB
Bandwidth Intl Up to 128 kbps 256 kbps 256 kbps 256 kbps
Bandwidth IIX Up to 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps
Dedicated IP 1 1 1 1
SSH Root Access Ya Ya Ya Ya
Monthly Fee (LINUX/BSD) IDR.85.000 IDR.200.000 IDR.325.000 IDR.425.000
3 Months (discount) IDR.255.000 IDR.600.000 IDR.975.000 IDR.1.275.000
1 year (discount) IDR.1.020.000 IDR.2.400.000 IDR.3.900.000 IDR.5.100.000
Monthly Fee (Win2k3) - IDR.325.000 IDR.425.000 IDR.525.000
3 Months (discount) - IDR.925.000 IDR.1.225.000 IDR.1.500.000
1 Year (discount) - IDR.3.500.000 IDR.4.600.000 IDR.5.675.000


Feature VPS-4 VPS-5 VPS-6 VPS-7
RAM 768 M 1024 M 1536 M 2048 M
Space  160 GB  200 GB  300 GB  350 GB
Bandwidth Intl Up to 512 kbps 512 kbps 1 Mbps 1 Mbps
Bandwidth IIX Up to 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps
Dedicated IP 1 1 2 2
SSH Root Access Ya Ya Ya Ya
Monthly Fee (LINUX/BSD) IDR.575.000 IDR.725.000 IDR.925.000 IDR.1.150.000
3 Months (discount) IDR.1.725.000 IDR.2.175.000 IDR.2.775.000 IDR.3.450.000
1 year (discount) IDR.6.900.000 IDR.8.700.000 IDR.11.100.000 IDR.13.800.000
Monthly Fee (Win2k3) IDR.750.000 IDR.900.000 IDR.1.100.000 IDR.1.300.000
3 Months (discount) IDR.1.250.000 IDR.2.700.000 IDR.3.300.000 IDR.3.900.000
1 Year (discount) IDR.9.000.000 IDR.10.800.000 IDR.13.200.000 IDR.15.600.000

Description :
  • For Additional Ram will costs IDR.100.000; / 128 M (1 Month)
  • For Win2k3 Operating System the fee plus the license fee ( IDR.150.000 per month), for All VPS packages.
  • The calculation used is that is commonly used is 512 kbps (kilo bits per second) not kilo bytes, where 1 byte = 8 bits.