28-02-2025 | 07:40:46

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:: Our clients testimonies ::
Testimonial Djoko MUdjiono S
Daxa is truly no disappointment. The tech support team is very patience, especially...

pupung tirtana

It's OK. Really no disappointment, I don't regret I subscribe to Daxa Networks services ... The technical support is quick to response and very helpful ... I develop many website with the help of my friends at Daxa, especially Bro Mawan and Nathan ... Thanks ... Good luck to Daxa..

Malay : Daxa Besh Sangat! Inggris : Daxa Very Best! Paling Cepet!

The support is patience and kind ...
Daxa.net saluuut ... for the handling of my trouble by technical support. Great, super fast ... BRAVO DAXA.NET

Tri Gunarto
Really appreciate Daxa
the unlimited transfer is really proven...








This TERM OF SERVICE (TOS) is made by PT. Daxa Networks Internasional which is located in the Cyber Building 10th Floor Jl. Kuningan Barat No.8, as known as Daxa Networks, with customers who use Internet services provided by Daxa Networks.

Both sides agreed to agree and follow rules and regulations below:

1.Description of Service.

Daxa Networks provide web hosting and related services that are connected to the Internet. Daxa Networks provides technical support for services provided during the hours and working days via email, phone, or the visit of customer. Customers using hardware and software on Daxa Networks's servers to be accessible from the Internet by selecting the type of services or packages from the web with the system lease enroll through the form provided by Daxa Networks and obtain confirmation from the Daxa Networks. If Daxa Networks can not provide services within two consecutive days, the Customers are entitled obtain the remaining money that has been paid for services which has not yet received.

2. Usage Rules Server.

NOT for Customer:
a. Attempting to destroy/replace Daxa Networks's data contents and server configuration.
b. Use Daxa Networks's servers to attempt entering/damaging/changing the contents of the configuration data and server systems which belongs to other parties.
c. Using Networks for Adult Daxa server hosting.
d. Using Daxa Networks services for racial, ethnic, and religious (termed "SARA" issues) e. Running background process and server daemons such as IRC bots, rc5des, Java Chat Server etc.
f. Running the program in excessive (that using a lot of memory, floding detect and CPU time) that can disrupt the stability of Daxa Networks'server or disrupt the stability bandwidth our network.
g. Sending spam emails such as product offerings or promotions which unsolicited and undesirable by others.
h. Selling illegal software via the website.

3. Information.
Daxa Networks is not responsible for the content of the Customer's web site. Customer is solely responsible for the content of his web site. Daxa Networks does not guarantee its accuracy and completeness of the contents of the customer's website. Daxa Networks is not responsible for the results generated by the Customer's web site contents. Daxa Networks is not responsible for any loss of data of the Customer.

4. Support Services.
Daxa Networks are required to provide service support to customers related to accounts owned by customers such as password replacement, replacement of a file attribute, making email, and configuration of Customer's server. Daxa Networks do not provide services such as making programming and debugging scripts owned by Customer. Daxa provided Support Services Networks on hours and working days by phone and 24 hours via email and Mobile.

5. Domain Name.
Daxa Networks entitled to register a domain on behalf of the Customer if requested by the Customer. Everything concerning the administration and payment of domain name resolved itself by the Customer, except when Daxa Networks agreed to help pay it. Fully registered the domain name to the right customer. Daxa Networks is not responsible for any consequences of a registered domain.

6. Payment.
Customers must pay for services provided Daxa Networks accordance with payment methods, rates and costs have been determined Daxa Networks at least seven days from the date of maturity. Daxa Networks reserves the right to delete your site's data in the web hosting Daxa Networks if Customer fail to make payments. Costs have been paid to Daxa Networks is not refundable for any reason when a customer decides to cancel the contract.

7. Privacy.
Daxa Networks Customer and to protect personal data will not give it to another party. Daxa Networks does not enter the contents of the directory if requested by Customer unless Customer.

8. Cancellation.
Daxa Networks reserves the right unilaterally to cancel the contract if the Customer does not adhere and comply with regulations set forth in this agreement.

9. Change Agreement.
Daxa Networks reserves the right to modify the contents of this agreement without having to notify the Customer.

10. Understanding.
This agreement is written using terms commonly used in the field of Internet Communications and Computers, and understood fully by Daxa Networks and Customer.

11. Dismissal.
Daxa Networks will return the user and password and change the entire domain of data owned by the customer (the administrative contact, technical contact, billing contact) back into the name of the relevant customer, where the latter Daxa Networks will not be responsible anymore in terms of domain extension, and billing extension respective domain.